Privacy Policy

Last update: 26th January 2022 (minor correction), applies February 10, 2022


Because privacy is a fundamental human right, we store as least data as possible. We believe in a world where data should be stored only when needed.

As privacy-respecting bot developers, we pledge that we will never expose your personal data whatsoever, or even try to go to extreme depths to invade your privacy. We're not the NeoSoft founder's fellow school students.

Welcome to our services! This Privacy Policy document ("Policy") is an agreement between NeoSoft ("Staff", "us", "our" or "we") and the client ("User", "you" or "your") on data we collect by you using our services. By joining our communities or/and using our services ("Services", "products"), you confirm that you have read and agreed to the Policy.

We reserve the right to update the Policy for reasons which includes, but not limited to, complying with the law or the Terms of Service for APIs we use, or reflecting to updates of the services. If the updates to the Policy in some way affects how we collect and use your data, you will be notified prior to the change. Continuing the use of our services will confirm that you have agreed to the modifications of the Policy document unless stated otherwise. If you do not agree to this Policy, please stop using the Services.

The data collected may be different from the ones listed in the Policy, but all types of data collected by our services will be listed.

TL;DR: Your privacy is important, but we may have to collect some data. If you use our services, you mark yourself okay with this.

Data we collect

We believe in a world where data collected from services is used to combat abuse and present the correct data, not for commercial purposes where data is sold. Therefore, we try to collect as minimal data as possible, while enforcing safety and trust. By using our services, we may collect data from you, as further described below.

We currently do not collect any data when non-bot services are used.

Data you provide to us

You provide us the following data when using our services:

  • Your NeoSoft Account ("Account") username and password, when creating a NeoSoft Account

  • Your email address, when contacting us via email

Data we automatically collect

We collect the following data when you use our services:

  • Your Discord ID, if you use a Discord bot service

  • The guild's ID, if the bot needs to save data related to the guild the service was used on

  • The channel's ID, if the bot needs to save data related to the guild and the channel the service was used on

  • The message content, if the Discord bot service runs into an unhandled error and you have opted-in to the collection of message content upon an error

  • URLs contained in a message, if the server has PURLS configured and the message contains a URL

Data we automatically collect if you use a NeoSoft Account

By creating a Standard or Guest NeoSoft Account, you are subject to additional collection of data. In addition to the data automatically collected above, we will also collect:

  • Your command usage of the last 30 days, if you run commands in a Discord bot service

TL;DR: These are the types of data we collect. Do we even need a TLDR for this?

How we use your data

We use the data to identify you in our services so you can be presented with the correct data when required. Also, if you provide us information to create a NeoSoft Account, we will provide you access to functions of the bot that requires an Account. We may distribute data collected for unhandled exceptions to our partners for reasons such as fixing bugs.

Here is the data we automatically collect, but with the purpose listed for every individual piece of data collected:

  • Your Discord ID: This is the most basic and static form of identifying a user, therefore we prefer this when we are handling user data. We use this data to make sure you're being displayed with the right data and we store your data in a way that can be identified as your data.

  • The guild's ID: This data is used to store and identify guild-specific data. We use this for similar purposes as how we use your Discord ID, except we use the guild ID for guild-related data.

  • The channel's ID: This data is used to store and identify channel-specific data. Same as above, but channel related data.

  • Your command usage: This data is used to prevent violations of our Terms. We require this data, so we can determine a Terms of Service violation.

  • The message content: This data is used to combat possible issues with the system if the system detects an unhandled error. This data is saved anonymously, and is opt-in.

  • URLs contained in a message: This data is used to provide protection against dangerous URLs in servers using the NeoSoft Xyron Passive Uniform Resource Locator Scanner (PURLS). We do not store this data, but it is sent to third parties, which includes and is limited to Google, IPQualityScore (IPQS) and VirusTotal.

We collect command usage data for all NeoSoft Account users to prevent abuse within the NeoSoft Account system. If you do not wish to have your command usage data collected, please delete your NeoSoft Account to stop such data from being collected. The collected data will be gradually deleted within 30 days of your Account deletion.

If you wish to opt out from user data being collected upon an unhandled exception in the event you are opted-in, you are allowed to run nv!optout to opt out without any effect on how you can use the services. This system is opt-in, and you will not be opted in to such program without your consent.

TL;DR: We use the data we collect from you to store and display your public data correctly. We also do this to combat bad users. You can opt in to a program we do to combat errors, but you can always opt out, and you always will be unless you decide to opt-in.

Your rights to object

We will appreciate all objections to any parts of this Privacy Policy. We understand that you may disagree to the Policy although our Policies are strictly privacy-focused while retaining user safety, therefore we provide you full rights to object to this Privacy Policy.

Please note that any user identification data is not removable from our systems, including and currently limited to Discord user IDs. We require this data to identify you, so we will be able to respect your privacy choices.

Please note that upon objecting, you may lose rights to access certain parts of the service. If you still wish to object, please send a staff member a request to opt-out from any data collection done by our services that you wish to opt-out from.

TL;DR: We aren't Green's school students. We respect your privacy unlike them, and we give you the freedom to stop us from collecting data from you.

Data retention policy

To respect your privacy while maintaining our Terms and keeping our Services working as intended, we delete some of your data after a certain period of time, if we do not require them to be stored permanently.

We classify data we collect into three types: Permanent data, Deletable data, Timed data and Ephemeral data.

Permanent data

Permanent data is data we keep permanently on our systems. As Permanent data is intended to be kept until the Services are discontinued, we only classify necessary data as Permanent data. This includes:

  • Your Discord ID: We require this at all times to identify you, so we are able to provide service normally by providing accurate data and respecting any objections to certain parts of this Privacy Policy.

Permanent data cannot be deleted unless necessary, so we cannot delete this data on user request. Although we can delete any type of data, we require such data to be kept in our systems to ensure normal and safe service.

Deletable data

Deletable data is data we keep permanently on our systems, but can be deleted on user request. Deletable data usually includes your preferences, which includes:

  • The guild's ID: We require this data to identify a guild, so we are able to provide accurate data, and customised service based on the preferences set for the guild.

  • The channel's ID: We require this data to identify a channel, so we are able to provide accurate data, and customised service based on the preferences set for the channel.

  • Your NeoSoft Account username and password: We require this data to identify your Account and provide secure access to the Account, so we are able to keep users with bad intentions from accessing your Account, and provide accurate data.

  • The message content: We require this data to identify how the bot was being used when the error occurred. This data will be deleted once the issue has been fixed.

Timed data

Timed data is data we keep temporarily on our systems, then automatically delete afterwards after a specific period of time. This includes:

  • Your command usage: We require this data to prevent abuse within the NeoSoft Account system. As we do not require this data forever, we only keep data from the last 30 days.

Ephemeral data

Ephemeral data is data we keep very shortly on our systems, usually until the command has finished executing. This includes:

  • URLs contained in a message: We require this data to analyse threat data for URLs. Once the analysis has been completed, the data is deleted from our systems.

Underage users

Although we would like to provide service for all ages, we are strictly forbidden from doing so for younger audiences.

The services of NeoSoft is only available for ages 13 and older, as disclosed in the Terms of Service document in order to comply with the law and the Discord Developer Policy. Upon discovery that a user is under the legal age required to use the Services, we block the user's access from the Services. If you are a parent of a user under 13 and believe that the user has provided any information that is personal, confidential, or in any other way sensitive, please contact us immediately at our Discord server or send a direct message to a NeoSoft staff member in Discord immediately. We will require the underage user's Discord ID in order to delete any related data of the user. However, we will always retain the underage user's ID to make sure that our services can prevent the user from accessing the service. The permanent retention of user IDs to combat misuse is in compliance with guidelines applicable to the service.

For some regions, the minimum age to use our services may be above 13. Please refer to here for more information.

TL;DR: We don't allow underage users for a reason. If you are a parent, and we stored something we shouldn't have about your child, tell us immediately so we can get rid of it from our servers.

Last updated

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