All commands

For fun

nt!hi -Greets you back. Parameters: none

nt!boo -It's not even Halloween yet... Parameters: none

nt!dice -Generates a random number from 1 to 6. Parameters: none

nt!about -Shows you some info about Natalia. Parameters: none

nt!say -Makes the bot say something. Parameters: <content>

nt!didyouknow -Tells you some facts about NeoSoft. Parameters: none

nt!blame -Blames someone. Parameters: <target>

nt!minecraft -Have fun not dying. Parameters: none


nt!svr_warn -Warns a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>

nt!svr_mute -Mutes a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>

nt!svr_unmute -Unmutes a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>

nt!svr_kick -Kicks a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason> Alias(es): svr_boot

nt!svr_ban -Bans a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason> Alias(es): svr_bean, svr_yeet

nt!svr_unban -Unbans a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>

nt!svr_set_modlog -Sets the modlog channel. Parameters: <channelid>

nt!svr_set_muterole -Sets the muterole. Parameters: <muterole>


nt!music_leave -Leaves the music channel that Nevira is connected to and clears the queue. Parameters: none Aliases: music_disconnect, music_dc

nt!music_play -Plays music. You can add 'search' before the query to pick from a list up to ten videos. Parameters: <query>

nt!music_simulplay -Plays music using Simulplay. You can pass -url in front of the search query to play from a URL. Parameters: [source flag] <query>

nt!music_stop -Stops and clears queue. Parameters: none

nt!music_pause -Pauses music. Parameters: none

nt!music_resume -Resumes music. Parameters: none

nt!music_queue -Shows the music queue. Parameters: none Aliases: music_nowplaying, music_np

nt!music_remove -Removes a track from the music queue or clears the queue. Parameters: <pos (Must be an integer or 'all')>

nt!music_shuffle -Shuffles the music queue. Parameters: none

nt!music_loop -Toggles loop. Parameters: none Aliases: rmusic_repeat

nt!music_goto -Skips to a certain timeframe. Parameters: <minutes:seconds> Aliases: music_seek

nt!music_eq -Sets the equaliser. Parameters: <band> <gain> (or just reset to reset equaliser)

nt!music_8d -Turns on 8D audio. Parameters: none

nt!music_speed -Sets the playback speed. Parameters: <speed>

Classic commands

The following commands are not available for NataliaJS.

nt5!hi -Greets you back.

nt5!dice_roll -Generates a random number from 1 to 6.

nt5!dual_dice -Generates two random numbers from 1 to 6, and adds them up.

nt5!emoji -Aka emoticons. No simple ones (like :S) included!

nt5!meme -9 memes so far...sends one on them.

nt5!time_gmt -Shows GMT time.


nt!weather -Checks the weather. Powered by Dark Sky API. [Unavailable for NataliaJS] Parameters: <location>

Last updated