All commands
For fun
nv!hi -Greets you back. Parameters: none
nv!dice -Generates a random number from 1 to 6, then multiplies that number by the argument given. Parameters: <amount> Available as slash: yes
nv!error -Generates and sends an error message. Parameters: <content> (example: nv!error My system crashed.)
nv!attack -Uses an attack if the user is playing Boat Royale or a co-op game. Parameters: <attack> (example: nv!attack missile)
nv!what -w h a t Parameters: <image_url>
nv!beatbox -green natalia is dying, please stop beatboxing Parameters: <user1> <user2>
nv!perhaps -P E R H A P S Parameters: [user]
nv!zip -file is compress send help!!1 (meme from Discord) Parameters: [-win] [filename]
nv!think -THINK USER THINK, WHAT WOULD THIS COMMAND DO? Parameters: [-thicc] <user1> [user2]
nv!noted -oh wow this is a command. noted Parameters: [user]
nv!day -Shows you the day today. Parameters: none
nv!shutup -Doesn’t literally mute a user but tells them to shut up. Parameters: <user> (example: nv!shutup @Nevira)
nv!ship -Ship two people! Parameters: <user1> <user2> Available as slash: yes
nv!time -Checks the time. Parameters: <timezone> (example: nv!time +1)
nv!greet -Greets the user mentioned. Parameters: <user> (example: nv!greet @GreenInkling)
nv!hug -Virtually hugs mentioned user. Parameters: <user> (example: nv!hug @[insert user’s name here]) Available as slash: yes
nv!cuddle -Virtually cuddles mentioned user. Parameters: <user> (example: nv!cuddle @[insert user’s name here])
nv!pet -Virtually pets mentioned user. Parameters: <user> (example: nv!pet @[insert user’s name here])
nv!kiss -Virtually kisses mentioned user. Parameters: <user> (example: nv!kiss @[insert user’s name here])
nv!say -Makes me say anything you want. Parameters: <content> (example: nv!say Hello world) Available as slash: yes
nv!kill -Kills anyone mentioned...virtually. The success rate can be set to 100% using nv!forcekill. Parameters: <target> (example: nv!kill User)
nv!hit -Hits anyone mentioned...virtually again. Parameters: <target> (example: nv!hit User)
nv!howgay -Checks how gay someone is. Completely based on RNG. Parameters: none
nv!shuffle -Shuffles a text. Parameters: <text>
nv!battle -Plays a minigame with the specified user, if he/she accepts it. Parameters: none
nv!accept -Accepts the minigame invite, if the minigame room is a 1v1 room. Parameters: none
nv!marry -Makes you virtually marry a user. Parameters: <user>
nv!divorce -Makes you divorce with the user you virtually married. Parameters: none
nv!8ball -Rolls a magic 8 ball and sends its response. Parameters: none Available as slash: yes (as magic8ball)
nv!bal -Shows your currency balance. Parameters: [user] (example: nv!bal @GreenInkling)
nv!daily -Gives you 50 to 250 coins every day you use this command...and maybe some diamonds! Parameters: none
nv!crime -Do not attempt in real life. Anyways this gives you coins if you succeed to go against the NeoSoft Terms of Service virtually. Parameters: none
nv!rob -Rob someone for easy money! Parameters: <user> Guest accounts cannot use this command.
nv!givecoins -Send someone coins! You cannot send coins to guest accounts. Parameters: <amount>, <user> Guest accounts cannot use this command.
nv!work -Go to work for some coins! Beware, your bosses might underpay you. Parameters: none
nv!farm -Farm some crops to sell for money! Parameters: none
nv!shop -Opens the shop. Parameters: <shop>
nv!buy -Buys an item. Parameters: <numeric-item-id> (What's this?)
nv!equip -Equips an item. Parameters: <nonnumeric-item-id> (What's this?)
nv!redeem -Redeems a code. Parameters: <code>
nv!gamble -Gambles coins. Parameters: <coins>
nv!beg -beg for coins lol Parameters: none
nv!fish -Fish for some coins! Parameters: none
nv!mine -Mine ores for some coins! Parameters: none
nv!gacha -Gacha some units for battle! Parameters: <gachamode> [1/10]
nv!premium -Shows perks for NeoSoft Premium. Parameters: none
nv!subscribe -Subscribes to Premium for a certain amount of months. This can be reran multiple times to extend your premium subscription. Parameters: [months]
nv!multigamble -Gambles coins, multiple times at once. Parameters: <coins> <frequency>
Bot info
nv!about -Sends info about the bot. Parameters: none
nv!help -Help command. Parameters: none
nv!userstatus -Shows ban status, NeoSoft Account status, user action logs and data manipulation status. This command can be used by banned users as well. Parameters: none
nv!svr_warn -Warns a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>
nv!svr_mute -Mutes a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>
nv!svr_unmute -Unmutes a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>
nv!svr_kick -Kicks a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason> Alias(es): svr_boot
nv!svr_ban -Bans a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason> Alias(es): svr_bean, svr_yeet
nv!svr_unban -Unbans a user. Parameters: <mention/userid> <reason>
nv!svr_set_modlog -Sets the modlog channel. Parameters: <channelid>
nv!svr_set_muterole -Sets the muterole. Parameters: <muterole>
nv!svr_antinuke -[Deactivated] Configures the anti-nuke settings. Parameters: <command> [option] <value>
nv!svr_antialt -Configures the anti-alt settings. Parameters: <command> [value]
nv!svr_antispam -Configures the anti-spam settings. Parameters: <command> [option] <value>
nv!svr_purls -Configures Xyron PURLS settings. Parameters: <command> [option] <value>
nv!music_play -Plays music. You can pass -url in front of the search query to play from a URL. Parameters: [source flag] <query>
nv!music_simulplay -Plays music using Simulplay. You can pass -url in front of the search query to play from a URL. Parameters: [source flag] <query>
nv!music_leave -Leaves the music channel that Nevira is connected to and clears the queue. Parameters: none Aliases: music_stop, music_disconnect, music_dc, music_fuckoff
nv!music_pause -Pauses music. Parameters: none
nv!music_resume -Resumes music. Parameters: none
nv!music_queue -Shows the music queue. Parameters: none Aliases: music_nowplaying, music_np
nv!music_remove -Removes a track from the music queue or clears the queue. Parameters: <pos (Must be an integer or 'all')>
nv!music_shuffle -Shuffles the music queue. Parameters: none
nv!music_loop -Toggles loop. Parameters: none Aliases: rmusic_repeat
nv!music_goto -Skips to a certain timeframe. Parameters: <minutes:seconds> Aliases: music_seek
nv!music_eq -Sets the equaliser.
Parameters: <band> <gain> (or just reset
to reset equaliser)
nv!music_nodes -Views in-use and currently available nodes. Parameters: none
nv!music_setnode -Overrides a set node. Parameters: <nodeid>
nv!music_8d -Turns on 8D audio. Parameters: none
nv!music_speed -Sets the playback speed. Parameters: <speed>
nv!call -Calls someone via text. Parameters: <mention>
nv!credits -Shows who helped with the bot. Parameters: none
nv!weather -Checks the weather. Powered by OpenWeatherMap. Parameters: [fahrenheit] <location>
nv!covid19 -Checks the number of cases, recoveries and deaths of COVID-19 of a country. Powered by Coronavirus Tracker. Parameters: <location>
nv!news -Shows you the top 10 headlines related to the query you enter. Powered by Parameters: [page] <query>
nv!profile -Shows your profile. Parameters: [account]
nv!setprofile -Sets some things related to your profile. Adding an attachment will override the value argument for avatar and background. Parameters: <bio | avatar | background | brightness | profilecolor (premium only) | animated (premium only) | rgb> [value]
nv!customprofile -Configures your custom profile. NeoSoft Premium required. Parameters: <layer> [option] <value> (Need help?)
nv!smart -Use the neoai module to talk with Nevira. Parameters: <text>
Nevira admin commands
nv!warn -Warns a user. Parameters: <userid>
nv!connectto -Connects to a server to remotely manage Nevira. Parameters: <id> (example: nv!connectto 416607804808495135)
nv!svreval -Evaluates a Nevira server command. Parameters: <command> (example: nv!eval change_nickname)
nv!status -Changes the status. Parameters: [text] or [option], [mode]
nv!ban Bans/unbans a user by their ID. Parameters: <userid>
nv!reason -States a reason for the action if needed. Parameters: <reason>
nv!load -Loads an extension. Parameters: <extension>
nv!unload -Unloads an extension. Parameters: <extension>
nv!reload -Reloads an extension. Parameters: <extension>
nv!welcomech -Changes the welcome message channel. Only available for server admins with the administrator permission. Parameters: <channel> (example: nv!welcomech #general)
nv!welcomemsg -Changes the welcome message. Only available for server admins with the administrator permission. Parameters: <content> (example: nv!welcomech Welcome to this awesome server!)
nv!customcmd -Sets custom commands for your server. Only the command list will be shown for non-admins. Manage server is needed to be recognised as an admin. Parameters: <command> If <command> is create or delete: nv!customcmd create/delete <command_name> If <command> is a command name: nv!customcmd <command_name> [option] <value> Formatable parameters: <value> This value can be formatted. {author} as author name, {authorid} as author ID, {guild} as guild name and {channel} as channel name.
Context Menus (App commands)
Bruh moment (message command) -Certify a message as a bruh moment.
Make a quote (message command) -Transform a message into a quote.
Scan for viruses (message command) -Works the same way as nv!viruscheck. Uses VirusTotal to scan for viruses.
Make user think (user command) -Works the same way as nv!think. Instead of passing an argument, the user is automatically detected.
Make user note (user command) -Works the same way as nv!noted. Instead of passing an argument, the user is automatically detected.
Last updated
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